Hi, My Name is Adam Lyons

I’m a multiple award winning business growth strategist and investor.

Short Bio:

I help Frustrated Entrepreneurs overcome The lack of sales in their company to get the revenue they need to grow their business

  • War Room “Wicked Smaht” Overall Winner 2021
  • 2x Click Funnels “2 Comma Club” Winner
  • Generated over 8 figures of revenue in my own company while still having time to play games, travel the world and spend LOTS of time with my family

Full Bio:

I wasn’t always a 2 Comma Club winning business owner.
In fact I used to struggle to make any real sales in my company and it was so bad for me that I often had to borrow money just to pay the rent each month… praying I’d make enough sales to cover the money I had borrowed.
I don’t want any other business owners to go through what I went through ever again.
So I’m on a mission to find the people I KNOW I can easily help get the revenue they need to grow their business and change their lives.
When I first set about solving this for myself I tried to find people to help me.
Sadly what I found is that many of the so called experts are simply sharing the same information that they’ve copied from the same articles and videos I could easily find for free on the internet.
So I knew when I helped people I wanted to do something better.
I spent 9 years researching, studying and testing different business gurus techniques from Frank Kern to Russel Brunson and beyond and decided that i’d only consider a 4x increase in my sales as significant enough to include in my own methods and systems.
I’ve gone on to use those same discoveries to become recognized as a War Room “Wicked Smaht” Overall Winner 2021 for my unique strategies. A 2x Click Funnels “2 Comma Club” Winner for website designs that have brought me over $1,000,000 in a year each. I’ve used my techniques to generate over 8 figures of revenue in my own company while still having time to play games, travel the world and spend LOTS of time with my family

This is mostly because I was willing to test all the different methods being taught and to combine and tweak them until I found the OCCOMS RAZOR of Business. The fastest and easiest method to reach the biggest growth in a company.

I’m now on a mission to help as many Frustrated Business owners get the fastest route to the revenue they need so that they get freedom to grow their business and live the life they want
I make myself available for speaking opportunities and media appearances to help further this mission.
Please Feel Free To Contact Me Via The Link Below.

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